Working with Timestamps in JavaScript

Srijan } Author Pic
SrijanUpdated Jan 19, 2025 - JavaScript
Working with Timestamps in JavaScript - Reacted Node

Photo: Krivec Ales/Pexels


In JavaScript, timestamps are numerical representations of specific points in time, typically measured in milliseconds since January 1st, 1970 (Unix Epoch). Timestamps Serve various purposes such as measuring time intervals, logging and debugging etc. In this article, we'll explore how to create, manipulate, and format timestamps effectively.

Table of Contents

Creating a Timestamp

In JavaScript, we can use Date object to work with dates and times. To create a new timestamp, we can instantiate a new Date object:

1const now = new Date();
2console.log(now.getTime()); // Outputs the timestamp ex: 1716401785142

Converting Timestamps into human-readable date formats

The simplest way to convert timestamps into human-readble formats in JavaScript is using the Date object:

1const timestamp = 1716401785142; // timestamps in milliseconds
2const date = new Date(timestamp);
4console.log(date.toLocaleString()); // 5/22/2024, 11:46:25 PM

Dealing with Timezones

When working with timestamps, being aware of time zones is essential. JavaScript's Date object works in the local time of the user's browser, but you can also work with UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) in JavaScript:

1const date = new Date();
2console.log(date.toString()); // Thu May 23 2024 00:08:08 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
4// Full date and time in UTC
5console.log(date.toUTCString()); // Wed, 22 May 2024 18:39:36 GMT
7// Day of the month (1-31) in UTC
8console.log(date.getUTCDate()); // 22
10// Month (0-11) in UTC
11console.log(date.getUTCMonth()); // 4
13// Full Year (YYYY) in UTC
14console.log(date.getUTCFullYear()); // 2024
16// Hour (0-23) in UTC
17console.log(date.getUTCHours()); // 18

Real-World Applications

Here are some real world applications where knowing about timestamp and how to work with it is very useful:

  • Analytics: Measure page engagement, session duration, and time spent on specific tasks.
  • Performance Optimization: Identify bottlenecks by tracking loading times, API response times, and other performance metrics.
  • Debugging: Pinpoint the timing of specific events in your application's lifecycle.
  • Rate Limiting: Prevent excessive requests by calculating the time between consecutive requests and enforcing limits.

Example Scenario: Website Performance Tracking

Let's look into a real world scenario where we want to track how long users spend on each page. Here's how we will be using timestamps to accomplish this:

1// On page load (start tracking)
2const startTime =;
4// User interacts with the page
6// On page unload or transition (end tracking)
7const endTime =;
8const timeSpentOnPage = endTime - startTime; // Duration in milliseconds
10// Convert to seconds
11const timeSpentInSeconds = Math.round(timeSpentOnPage / 1000);